It’s a new week—attack the day! Attack the day like you are 6-years-old and the day is a cupcake.
Go into the day with a sense of excitement and anticipation. You worked hard to get where you are. You are good at what you do. You’re going to devour this day with gusto, and then lick the day’s frosting off your fingers.
Wait—did I take that metaphor too far?
Anyway, consider going into each meeting, each task, each interaction today with a sense of positivity (“We’re going to knock this out of the park!”) and gratitude (“We are so fortunate to have these opportunities.”). Try to inspire these feelings in the people around you. I mean, don’t be over-the-top intense or anything, but frame the situation in ways that motivate and inspire yourself and others. We might be “slammed with work,” OR we have “a solid revenue stream that gives us all job security for 2022.” Give people a positive perspective on their jobs.
Or maybe just bring in cupcakes for everyone. Happy Monday!
(Photo by American Heritage Chocolate on Unsplash)