Some people find delegation a challenge. But if we can effectively delegate to empower, we not only get the task done, we grow the professional experience of the team member in ways that build their confidence and competence.
Don’t just tell people what to do. Ask them how they would handle the task. Give them a chance to think through the process and problems. Give them ownership. Let them know where they can go if they hit a snag, but that they are expected to look for solutions and keep things on-track, not just go limp on the task until the next meeting.
Don’t expect perfection on the first try. Consider adopting a “first draft” mentality, in which they do their best, then bring that first draft in for notes and suggestions at an interim deadline, so that they can then take it back and refine it before the final deadline. Resist the impulse to take it back and polish it “because it will be faster.” The ownership of the task and the responsibility for refining it to perfection develops the team member’s knowledge and experience, and the successful completion of the task, as well as your trust in them, builds their confidence.
Some people are ready, willing, and able to step up and take point on a project or task. Others may need some coaxing or encouragement. Build your people up so that they are looking for the next opportunity to grow, shine, contribute, and knock it out of the park.
(Photo by Guilherme Stecanella on Unsplash)