It seems that most companies are short-staffed these days.
Currently, there are two open jobs for every unemployed person in the US.
But we all still have plenty of work to do. So, those of us in the office end up doing extra work in order to get things done on deadline.
Make sure you show your team members how much you value them. This includes praise, perks, bonuses, and promotions.
Fast-track your talented staffers. Get them trained up to the next level, and then promote from within. Back-fill with more junior staffers.
Focus on the priority deadlines, and adjust your work schedule—and those of your team—to get the most important jobs done first. Book out in advance—with delivery dates in 2023, or at least the fall of 2022—rather than overloading the existing team. Give yourself enough time to recruit and train new people to help.
Pace yourself. You are not going to be any good to anyone if you drop of exhaustion or have a heart attack from the stress. And serve as a role model to you people to pace themselves, as well.
Recharge. Use your vacation time. Encourage your people to take theirs. Enjoy the weather when it’s worth enjoying. Maintain the balance in your work/life balance.
And May the Fourth be with you.
(Photo by Fitsum Admasu on Unsplash)