Effective leaders grow their people.
Find out what your people want to do in their careers. Some want to climb the corporate ladder. Some want to work with teams. Some want to grow their skills and develop expertise. Work with each person to figure out where their interests and talents intersect. If you don’t already have a solid understanding of this with each of your direct reports, consider making it part of their next performance review.
Match the needs of your team and your company with people who want those responsibilities. Grow your people through training and mentoring, and then by empowering them to “take point” on tasks that build their experience and confidence.
Give your people opportunities to impress you.
If your people are not preparing for the next level, find ways to motivate them, encourage them, or “show them the ladder” they can choose to climb. Work to develop a corporate culture in which everyone feels like they can grow, and that there is a place in the company for that more experienced, competent professional to shine.
(Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash)