“You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.” - Carl Jung
“Don’t ever promise more than you can deliver, but always deliver more than you promise.” - Lou Holtz
People can say all kinds of things. But those around them quickly learn whether they can be counted on, or whether their word is worthless.
Be someone others can rely on. If you promise to do something, put reminders in your calendar or on your phone. Don’t let the time “get away from you.” Good intentions are nice, but if you “meant to get to that” too many times, people lose respect for your leadership. Anything you have said you’d do is now a commitment you have made. Don’t flake on your commitments.
(quote source: https://www.behavioralessentials.com/15-quotes-about-the-importance-of-integrity-as-a-leader/ image source: Photo by Luke Porter on Unsplash)