As leaders, we have opportunities.
When those opportunities arise—to bring in a new client, to make sure our firm’s financials are up-to-date, to have a team member step up because we have told them we have their back—there’s an old adage: Honesty is the best policy.
Tell the truth—it’s easier to remember what you’ve told other people. Be the person others come to for credible information. Be the person others can count on. Be honest, and the truth will be your ally, not your enemy.
There are stories in the news (from time to time) in which individuals have made astonishing low-integrity decisions on the assumption that people will either 1) never find out they lied, or 2) if they do, by then it will be “too late” for anyone to do anything about it, or 3) “everybody does it, so it’s not a big deal.” However, if they made the news, they miscalculated that badly.
Do the right thing, even if it’s not the easy thing. You’ll sleep better.
(Photo by Alex Shute on Unsplash)