It’s not always easy being in charge. But (as every Spider-Man movie teaches us) with great power comes great responsibility.
Do the right thing, even when it is not the easy thing. Speak up when you see injustice. Use the influence of your position to support people who need your support. Be part of the change when change is needed.
Not all of us are working on globally-known initiatives, but we can still do what is right in our own spheres. Talk to HR if you see someone creating a hostile work environment for someone else in your firm, even if the hostile person is a big rainmaker. Don’t turn a blind eye to coworkers who pad their expense reports or timesheets. Make things right if someone is being underpaid for doing equal work. Don’t tolerate people spreading cruel rumors about their coworkers.
Be the person who says, “That’s not okay.”
Be the person who says, “We don’t do that here.”
Use your influence to make your part of our world a better place.
(image source: https://www.keepinspiring.me/leadership-quotes/)