“One of the tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency.” ~ Arnold Glaso
It’s a lot easier to clean up the s**t BEFORE it hits the fan.
Be proactive. Consider what could cause problems and come up with solutions ahead of time.
If your largest client suddenly left, what would you do?
If your top-performing team-member was in a car accident and hospitalized, what would you do?
If the things that usually run smoothly hit a rough patch, what would you do?
Consider computer glitches, global pandemics, a fire in the office, supply-chain disruptions, family emergencies, etc.
Come up with action plans. Build in redundancies. Store backups offsite or in the cloud. Have irreplaceable team-members train replacements—and that includes you. Make sure at least one other person knows how to do everything. Court new clients for long-term business development opportunities. Basically, don’t store all your eggs in one basket.
And make sure that someone else in the office knows what the emergency-response plans are and where to find the documents, just in case YOU suddenly being unavailable is the emergency.
(Photo by yechan park on Unsplash)
(Quote source: https://www.keepinspiring.me/leadership-quotes/)