Social media may be the greatest invention of the past few decades… or the cause of the impending collapse of civilization. The jury’s still out.
No matter where your opinion falls on that continuum, social media is a factor in modern life, and leaders need to be proactive in addressing it.
Have a social-media policy that is fair, written, and enforced. Many firms have written policies that protect the company from the reflected shame of an employee using racial slurs or other offensive comments. It may already be in the employment contracts that posting offensive content is a firing offense. If not, consider adding language to that effect. Talk to your lawyer and HR about ways of making sure it is clear and understood by everyone.
Take a look at the social media footprint of potential new hires. If they exhibit poor judgment before being hired, don’t expect it to improve if you do hire them.
Walk the walk. Make sure your own social media presence is above reproach, as well. As the leader, you can set the tone for your people.
(Photo by Jeremy Bezanger on Unsplash)