Selective "De-Hiring"
When we hire good people, we want to keep them.
But not everyone should stay on the team. Don’t let problems with team members fester. If someone is demotivated, then work to re-motivate them. If they are doing poor-quality work, get them the training they need to do it well. If they are causing interpersonal problems, work to shift people around to solve the issue, or discuss the behaviors with the individual and how they can be fixed (e.g., never microwave fish in the break room).
But if you use all of your tools as a leader and the problem persists, the person creating the issues does not belong on your team. And if you don’t remove them from your team in a timely manner, then your top-performers—who have been doing extra work to make up the slack or dealing with an unpleasant team environment—may self-remove.
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