A positive attitude can be contagious.
As leaders, we can make the choice to go in each day with an attitude for success and fulfillment. “This is going to be so great!” “We get to train today!” “We get to work on the X project today!”
This approach will influence how our people think about the project, the team, their professional life, etc.
“We get to…” is a much more fulfilling way to go through life than “We have to…”
Even when things are “less than ideal,” we can focus on solutions. “Yeah, this is a tough situation, but this team will be able to handle it. For starters, we can…”
If you feel the need to vent or complain, don’t do it with your team. “This is stupid and pointless and I don’t want to do it, either” will undermine the team’s ability to get things done well beyond the “stupid and pointless” thing itself.
(image source: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/colin_powell_163071)