We may think about which words we use, but how often do we consider what our body language and facial expressions are saying for us?
Check in with your non-verbals. Are you crossing your arms when you talk to someone? What are they reading from that? Are you impatient? Angry? Chilly?
Check in with your facial expressions. Do you roll your eyes? Grimace? Go stone-faced?
If your non-verbals don’t match your intended message, they may be undermining that message.
Consider how you would like to frame your next interaction. Do you want your direct report to be reassured? Feel respected and valued? Know how good you think they are? Remember to tell them with your eye contact, your smile, your nod of affirmation, etc.
Or do you want to keep your overdone non-verbals on a leash? Consider controlling that eyeroll or toning down that critical glare.
Don’t just say your message with words—consider your nonverbals and say it with your face, too.