I'm Positive It's Good to Be Positive
I am a psychologist by training—I have three degrees in psych and used to teach the subject at the college level.
So you may notice that some of my posts involve geeking out about psychology.
Your brain is YOU. And when you train your brain, you become the more impactful and successful person you want to be. You become the more competent professional and a better leader.
Create a vision for what success will look like, for what success will BE like. FEEL it. Visualize it like an Olympic athlete visualizing performing their routine (you see where my inspiration comes from this week?).
Visualize being the kind of leader you want to be. Are you prepared? Compassionate? Instructive? Do you put the team first? Do you bring people together? Do you delight your customers? What is the best (and authentic) version of YOU that you want to be?
Once you know what that version of you looks and feels like, you can shape your behavior TOWARD that vision. The compassionate boss doesn’t chew out the team member for making a mistake—they hear them out and then work with that person so that they know how to do it right next time… and WANT to succeed for you because you care. The prepared boss does their prep and their research before the meeting. The team-builder works builds a web of mutual trust and respect among themselves and their people.
When you close your eyes and think about what success and fulfillment looks like for you, what do you see?
(image source: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/henry_ford_122817?src=t_leadership)