Good Thinking, Einstein
A great car doesn't take you anywhere unless you start the engine & put it in drive
“I can do it.”
Self-efficacy is the “special sauce” that turns someone’s potential into their achievements. People need the confidence that they CAN achieve something before they will try. And people who TRY are the only ones who succeed.
Consider what gives you the confidence to step up and try new things. Do you need to have your team behind you? Or at least one person you know will have your back? Do you need to study up on the topic, watch others, or read the manual until you feel like you have a solid intellectual understanding of what to do? Or do you just need to know in your gut that “I got this” in order to give it a try?
And what does each member of your team need? When building confidence, one size does not fit all.
Get each person what they need to step up with confidence, and then watch them soar.
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