Always Room for Improvement
“Be coachable: if you’re not open to feedback, you’re not open to growth.”
~ Alex Young
You may be the “grand poobah” of your team, or even of your company. But the world keeps changing. The industry keeps changing. And if you don’t keep learning and adapting, you could be left behind.
Encourage junior staffers to take courses and learn new skills. And then have them come back and give a lunch-and-learn on those new skills. You should attend and pay attention. Find out what’s new, and consider ways to use these new competencies.
Use brief 360 reviews to find out what your team likes about what you do and wants you to continue to do (or do more), as well as what you could stop doing. Make it anonymous, so they can be honest.
Seek out mentors and “sounding boards” at all stages of your career.
Bring out the best in everyone on your team… and that includes yourself.
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